Fees & Payment Options

Most fees for routine treatment are based on the clinical time spent at the hourly rate. For more expensive treatment plans a written quotation will be provided. We ask that fees are paid on the day of treatment – all major credit cards are accepted including American Express.

General Dentistry
Hourly rate treatment £540
New patient examination (including small x-rays) £240
Routine examination including (small x-rays) £135
Panoramic x-ray £90
Scale & polish with dentist £145
Hygienist visit £145
Home whitening kit (upper & lower teeth) £520
Dental Implants
Implants (including surgery) from £3800
Implant crown from £1800
Bridges from £4000
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment from £750
Porcelain bonded to metal from £1750
Crown with post from £1900
All porcelain from £1750
Gold from £1750
Single front crown from £2000
Porcelain veneers from £1600
Composite veneers from £400
Complete upper and lower from £6000
Complete denture single from £3500
Partial denture – all plastic from £2500
Partial denture – metal base from £3500